Blog, lynchpinning process

Have You Done What You Came Here to Do?

sun coming through dark skies

Have You Done What You Came Here to Do?

I am only afraid of one thing. It isn’t pain and heartache. I lost my parents when I was 30. I divorced after 25 years of being with who I thought was the one. It isn’t the loss of stuff. I lost a great job right when the recession hit, then lost my vehicles and my home. Then lighting struck twice, and I lost essentially all of my worldly possessions. I do still think about my autographed photograph of Maya Angelou from time to time. Not afraid of death. I went to the ER not feeling quite right in 2012 and after a few weeks of antibiotics for my pneumonia diagnosis, they found an aneurysm in my chest peeking out from behind my heart shaped just like a golf ball sized Mickey Mouse and the doctor dropped his head right in front of me! 

This is how I was made.  This is where my fight comes from. This sequence of events made me fearless. I am an efficient master rebuilder. My faith is unshakable. I manifest abundance in every area of my life now and continually throughout my life experience. So if bad news shows up, I don’t fall for it. Oh, I feel it. But I know since I only attract abundance, that bad news is just a disguise.

Anyhoo, the only thing I am afraid of is not accomplishing what I was sent to this planet to do. That’s it. But I tell myself all the time, have no fear! The Lynchpin is here! Hashtag, cheesy. I spent a lot of time doing a lot of things for a lot of reasons and I can’t get it back. In the past I had fears for sure! I was afraid of failing. Afraid I was too young to be taken seriously. Afraid I was too old to be relevant. Afraid I wasn’t pretty enough to be paid attention to. Afraid I was too fat to be viewed as mainstream. Afraid I would lose my anonymity. Afraid no one would give a flip about what I had to say. Afraid my mission was a figment of my imagination. Afraid I would be judged. Afraid that due to my imperfections, I was not worthy. Writers are super hard on themselves. And so is almost everybody else who is trying to make it in this world and thrive.

I comforted myself with knowing I can do. It. Now. I can be. It. Now. I can say. It. Now. And so can you. Right now, you can start the Lynchpinning Process that has eased my woes and helped me spring clean my life, re-imagine myself, sort the wheat from the tear, rid my schedule of the unneeded, refocus my camera lens, and go for it. The process helped me deal with the feelings of obligation, regret, resentment, overwhelm, sadness, stagnancy, and anxiety, and activate my life with the tasks, projects, and activities that provided a sense of bliss, excitement, fulfillment, joy, purpose, satisfaction, and wholeness. Ones that built me up and don’t tear me down. The ones that restored me instead of depleting me. The ones that inflated me with hope instead of taking my best and leaving me to run on the leftovers. I learned to do my best and leave the rest.

I encourage you to inventory the many things you do –that you are responsible for or that you choose to do for whatever reason. Just start writing them down until you can’t think of anymore. Exhaust yourself. Dump your entire brain of things onto the paper. Once you’ve done that, begin to read them aloud. This exercise has one purpose and that is to determine how each thing that you choose to spend time doing makes you feel. You are worth it. The world needs what you have, and you will never fully give it until you make the time for it. The world suffers while waiting for its inhabitants to show up.

So what if I fall short? What if I fail? What if time takes me? As Teddy Roosevelt once spoke, I will do so “while daring greatly.”

Do you know why you are on this planet?

Are there fears you need to face and overcome to accomplish your purpose?

Are you first on your list or last?

Love and Peace,

Tracey Alexandra Lynch